Millenials, as people under 35 are now called, do not dream of living in large spaces. It wasn’t like it used to be. Now the enjoyment is in having lunch outdoors on the weekend, getting together with friends to spend some time outdoors and above all traveling, and traveling a lot when everything returns to normal.

Trends have been changing and the years have brought other customs when thinking about how to furnish and decorate the house. Today we are looking for small or medium-sized spaces, but that are functional, that allow us to move around comfortably and have as many things within reach as possible.

In recent years several options have appeared: bars with removable trays that you can take anywhere in your space, kitchen furniture to make the most of it without filling it with appliances that are only used once a month, spacious coffee tables where you can eat while enjoying a series on the couch and many more options.

In most cases it is difficult to find this type of furniture because the brands think in large spaces, however they do not solve the problem of comfort. To find this type of furniture we recommend you to look for options of small brands that make exclusive designs that mostly adapt to you and not to them. We invite you to look at our options and in case you don’t find anything, to think together about the furniture you need.

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